Additional information
Fees | Shorthaul, North Island, South Island |
Save $50
This discounted pre-pay deal includes the 1 hour gaming fee and rental equipment of 10 masks, pairs of gloves, rifles and 400 round magazines for 10 children aged 12-15 years. Usual casual price $450. Book and secure your slot 1st then pay online if interested! Sorry this discounted rate is not available for purchase on the day of the event. Additional participants are $40 per child aged 12-15 years and $50 per person 16+ years of age. All participants under 18 years require their own Parents to complete the Disclaimer form section. Groups need to arrive 30 minutes prior to game commencement so that we may have them armed up and ready to go on time. We game on rain or shine!
Registration & Disclaimer
All participants are required to complete our online registration form confirming acceptance of the Disclaimer.
Please forward this link to all participants with the Booking Ref# for their completion.
The purchase of the voucher and completion of the form are required no later than 2 days prior to attendance.
Thank you!
Fees | Shorthaul, North Island, South Island |