Non Member Own Kit Battlestrike Gaming Fee
Non Member Own Kit Battlestrike Gaming Fee
Please place your order first and then pay for your gaming fee. Quote the order number provided when depositing payment into our bank account. Please ensure you complete the registration form below. The booking reference for the Battlestrike session is the initials BS then the date of the Battlestrike eg. BS190720
This fee is only applicable to participants who are not Members of The Armory but have their own Mask and Gun. Additional charges will be incurred for rental of any of the aforementioned or additional kit requested.
If you wish overalls or camouflage clothing for your group please select the additional item and include it in your cart prior to completing your purchase.
Registration & Disclaimer
All participants are required to complete our online registration and confirm acceptance of the Disclaimer.
Please click on this link and if purchasing for more than 1 participant, copy and forward the link to additional participants with the Booking Ref# for their completion.
You may purchase up to the day prior to the event. However, you will be required to submit a copy of the bank transaction to confirm receipt of payment.